Saturday, August 27, 2005


Soon my baby brothers and I will lie in hammocks on the Jersey Shore and relive embarrassing stories from our youth.

Someone will get married. Four absent siblings will call to check in. A sea of guests will swim around us. But we will find a way to separate from the chaos.

Nor will tell us what it is like to be a marine, Brother G. will explain spirituality through the vernacular he learned studying theology at BC. I will impress them with my travels and tales of the big city.

We might build a bonfire and make s'mores. We might have a fight thinly veiled as a debate. Hans will get angry and yell at me and Kristofer will rush to my defense. I will likely scratch their backs and when Brother G. falls asleep, Nor will tell me lightly that he's sorry.

It will be like old times.

Yes, soon my baby brothers and I will lie in hammocks on the Jersey Shore ...

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posted by Pop Culture Casualty @ 8/27/2005 01:14:00 AM |


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